Welcome to
Whispering River Music
Educate. Inspire. Celebrate.
A registered Canadian charity since 1987
Thank you to the Ontario Arts Council
for making our concert series possible!

Acknowledging Lands and Waters we call home
Acknowledging the lands and waters of the Indigenous nations before us we are humbled to imagine the gentle wake of the canoes and the blade of the paddles gently and gracefully marking the waters.
Using the lands in a good way, leaving only a soft foot print on the land
and caring for the gifts she provides.
Wind and trees working in unison, still singing the songs today as in the hundreds of years past.
We acknowledge these Sacred Gifts of Mother Earth in our local territories of the Indigenous peoples.
Nibiish Kwe
Marilyn Capreol
Private Lessons and Group Classes
2024-2025 Season Brochure
Download now to see what we have in store for the upcoming season!

Humphrey Nature Trails:
Creative Community Happens Here
Whispering River Music’s Creative Communities project is based on an old storyteller’s saying:
“When you tell one story, you should always tell two. That way the stories will lean on each other”.
The first of these, the “Humphrey Nature Trails: Creative Community Happens Here” project, invites families and community members to tell their own stories in response to twelve Covid-19 art installations along Rabbit Run Trail built by the students of Humphrey Public School.
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Each station has a question about personal response to the pandemic generated by the grade 6 class.
Twelve Questions:
1 - Where have you found joy this year? What can you still do that makes you happy?
2 - Did you enjoy parts of the lockdown?
3 - Where have you found boredom?
4 - Have you been more creative? What have you created?
5 - How have you connected with family and friends? Where have you found comfort?
6 - Have you found yourself lazier?
7 - Where have you experienced frustration?
8 - How has Covid-19 affected your life? Have you learned anything from the experience?
9 - Where have you experienced sadness?
10 - What have you lost? What have you found?
11 - Have you been angry?
12 - What are you grateful for?
Get involved!
Submit a response!
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WRM Beer Can and Bottle Drive is AMAZING - and is helping to fund music scholarships for local kids.
Special Thanks!
To all who made donations to keep the music going!
And to Linda Gibson for her hard work and contribution!
Donate your Beer Cans and Bottles today at the McKellar Transfer Station. All proceeds goes directly to fund our music program.